Interactive Book Documentation

Interactive Book Documentation

Introduction Features Book How to create a book Adding pages to the book Book blueprints Cover Material Book “Class Defaults” Pages How to create a page Page “Class Defaults” Page Blueprints Page Textures Page Material Page Material Settings...
Portals and Level Streaming

Portals and Level Streaming

That past 6 month gone fast. I have spent a great amount of time learning even more blueprints. My latest effort is a portal, however a portal to another place in the same level would have been easy enough. I want to load another level/dungeon into the portal. I set...
The pain of not having time

The pain of not having time

Had the pleasure of somebody asking me for a link to my blog recently. I then looked at my blog, and remembered I have written anything on this blog in 6 months. Whats that about? What have I been doing with my time? I want code in Unreal. I want to model in  3D...